What is TDS?
Total Dissolved Solids (“TDS”) are organic and inorganic materials, such as metals, minerals, salts, and ions dissolved in water. TDS can affect the taste and appearance of water.
Does the ZeroWater 5-stage filter reduce fluoride?
Our 5-stage filters have been independently tested by an EPA certified lab for the reduction of fluoride with an overall reduction percentage of 99%.
How does the ZeroWater 5-stage filter work?
The ZeroWater Ion Exchange Filter consist of 5 stages that combine multiple technologies to remove organic and inorganic contaminants in the water.
What’s the difference between the 5-stage filtration by ZeroWater vs. Reverse Osmosis (RO)?
5-stage filters produce water that is a similar purity level to that produced from an RO system. Additionally, our systems don't waste any water and operate
based on gravity. In addition, they do not need to be installed into your plumbing.
How long will the 5-stage filter last?
Replace the Filter When TDS Meter Reads 006+