Better ingredients lead to better health
Nutritional advice for a diet in tune with nature
Cats belong to an order of strict carnivores that have the teeth of predators and a digestive system suited to absorb and make optimal use of proteins. In nature, a cat’s diet consists of different prey (mice, birds, fish), a prevalent source of protein and fat (in addition to fibre and other nutrients found in the digestive tract of their prey). Almo Nature’s advice for a balanced diet is to alternate between all types of fish and meat, wet and dry food (split 60/40 respectively) complementary and complete. Wet food is essential for a cat’s daily diet to support hydration and reduce the risk of urinary infections.
Feeding advice
Calculation example for the daily nutritional need of a healthy cat of 4 kg body weight and normal activity level: 110g of wet food + 35g of dry food.
Almo Nature: Owned by the animals
From January 2018, all incoming net profits (dividends) from Almo Nature product sales, are invested in projects that benefit dogs, cats and contribute to the protection of biodiversity.
It is the start of a new positioning statement for the Almo Nature brand: Owned by the animals. This way, the animals, as well as the customers are the ultimate beneficiaries of Almo Nature.