Our team will contact with you regarding the design for carrier bags after payment confirmation.
Many UK High street menswear, womenswear and childrenswear stores and independent fashion boutiques, gift stores are using luxury, great quality carrier paper bags. Our factory has a capacity of 100,000 units of custom carrier bags and all are high quality. Branded paper carrier bags are a great impression for customers who purchase from stores.
High-quality luxury reusable carrier bag made from 210 gsm matt or glossy kraft paper and ropes any colour.
Standard dimensions: 35 cm - 25 cm - 10 cm .
Branding. The bags may be branded with your company logo (two-sided) and additional details.
- Price per pcs. upon purchase of 500 pcs: £1.25
- Price per pcs. upon purchase of 1000 pcs: £1
- Price per pcs. upon purchase of 2000 pcs: £0.90 - bestseller option
- Price per pcs. upon purchase of 5000 pcs: £0.80
Foiled logo: extra £0.10 per pcs.
Check our fashionable and stylish gold/silver foiled bags. We create beautiful matt or glossy 230 gram to 250-gr luxury paper bags for fashion stores, gift stores, boutiques and jewellery stores. Our team designed a perfect paper bag laminated with your brand logo, store address, website and social media details. All details we can print foiled in gold, silver or rose copper with only a small price difference. We make all paper bags with any colour of ribbon or ropes. There are many options in our colour swatches, easy to find a matching colour.
Delivery: 4 weeks.
If you are looking for bespoke carrier bags, in a different size, colour or material, contact our Sales Department for more information.